Many companies, operating in e-shops, underestimate the significance of properly elaborated and subsequently published general business terms and conditions. Most of the companies prepare them on their own or in worse cases, what occur more frequently, by taking already established general terms and conditions of other companies. This way a new e-shop company would take over all substantial errors from its rivals. Then a new established e-shop company loses the costumers´ credibility and it also negatively influences its functioning. E-shops companies must avoid this manner because incorrectly elaborated terms and conditions causes imposing the high sanctions by the Slovak Trade Inspection.
The Law office BÁNOS s.r.o. provides you comprehensive legal services in the area of online sales (e-shop), creating websites and webhosting with focus on the preparation and elaboration of general business terms and conditions and also other e-shop’s documents. We pay attention in order to all above mentioned documents would be in compliance with Slovak legislation, the Slovak Trade Inspection and other bodies. Except these services the legal office also carries out the legal audit of already established e-shop’s general business terms and conditions.