“The secret of success is to know something,
that others do not know.”
The attorney JUDr. Robert Banos graduated from the Law Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava in 2005. After completing his studies he worked at the District Court in Dunajska Streda in the section of civil, commercial and criminal law. The legal profession in advocacy has been holding since 2008 and he deals with mainly commercial, family and criminal law.
JUDr. Róbert Bános
Advokátska kancelária BÁNOS s.r.o. law firm is a young and dynamically evolving law firm. Its mission is to provide legal services on the whole territory of Slovak Republic in a range of languages including Slovak, English, French, Hungarian and also through law office partnerships on the territory of whole world. Our law firm network is seated in Galanta. In 2011, there were founded other branch offices in the town Dunajská Streda and in the town Vráble; in 2013 in the town Trenčín; in 2014 in the town Bratislava; and in 2016 in the town Žilina.
The law office provides a wide range of legal services to domestic and foreign clients and that is equally to business entities and personal entities. The primary mission of our legal office is the offer of first class legal services to resolve problems of our clients rapidly and effectively because their contentedness is our top-priority task.
Advocate JUDr. Róbert BÁNOS graduated the Comenius University Faculty of Law in Bratislava in 2005. After successfully completing his studies he worked as a superior judicial officer in the District court of Dunajská Streda in the department of civil, commercial and criminal law. He has performed his legal services in advocacy since 2008, with special focus on the commercial, civil and criminal law. Besides performing his profession as an advocate, he lectures at the University of Gábora Dénesa in Budapest and also work as an external pedagogue in the private grammar school in Sládkovičovo.
The Slovak Republic creates one of the very best investment environments in Europe. To satisfy foreign investors´ business objectives we provide comprehensive legal services to foreign investors entering or planning to enter the Slovak market, as well as to Slovak clients in all business relations. Our mission to accomplish your needs in this area is performing by the business formation and assisting you in concluding business contracts. We consult with you about many issues such as choosing the location of your company in the territory of Slovakia in terms and costs, labour legislation, project financing, state aid, investment incentives, business partners’ relationships. Our experts are experienced in negotiating and concluding different types of business contracts, employment and management agreements, international carriage contracts etc.